7 Reasons Why Children Should Play Ultimate Frisbee

7 Reasons Why Children Should Play Ultimate Frisbee


Ultimate Frisbee for children? Is it beneficial in their development – physically and mentally? Yes it is, but I hope you’re wondering, “how?” I’ll do my best to explain this.

Children & Ultimate Frisbee

It’s true, Ultimate Frisbee can be played by all ages, genders and abilities – there really are no boundaries when it comes to playing Ultimate.

But after coaching some young children and young adults, I share with confidence that Ultimate Frisbee can be very helpful in the development of a child – not just physically, but mentally and socially too.

Let’s look at this in detail:

1. Physical Fitness:

Ultimate Frisbee involves running, throwing, catching, and jumping, which contributes to overall physical fitness and coordination development. These motor skills help improve focus and accuracy which teaches the child to be present, alert and creates an understanding of the surroundings so that the child is able to respond better.

2. Teamwork and Collaboration:

Ultimate Frisbee is a team sport that promotes cooperation, communication, and teamwork. Children learn to work together, strategise and support each other on the field, because even being on the sidelines and helping the team through is an essential role – you’re always in the game even when not actively playing that point (the players are substituted after each point, making sure legs remain fresh, and everyone gets an opportunity to play).

3. Sportsmanship and Fair Play:

Ultimate Frisbee is self-officiated, which further emphasises the “spirit of the game,” encouraging fair play and respect for the opponents. Children learn about sportsmanship, ethical behaviour, and resolving conflicts or disagreements in a positive manner – in fact Ultimate provides an opportunity to be exposed to these important learnings and helps put them into practice, but with care and understanding.

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4. Decision-Making and Problem-Solving:

As Ultimate is a fast-paced game, children playing Ultimate Frisbee develop critical thinking skills because they need to make quick decisions and analyse game situations, therefore needing to adapt their strategies in that moment. Sometimes these decisions work out for the team and sometimes they don’t and it is in this experience that children learn to work on their ability to discern better and look to be a better team player.

5. Social Interaction:

Ultimate Frisbee is a thriving community inclusive of all ages, and so it provides children with an opportunity to make new friends, build social connections, and develop interpersonal skills through communication and teamwork. This helps them become better listeners and communicators – whether that’s from their interactions on the field or off of it.

6. Inclusivity:

Often played in a mixed-gender format, Ultimate Frisbee promotes gender equity and inclusivity. Children have the opportunity to play and compete on an equal footing, creating and nurturing a sense of equality and respect amongst teammates.

7. Fun and Enjoyment:

An important one – Ultimate Frisbee is fun, engaging, bringing loads of joy – the best thing is to see a happy child in an enthusiastic and fair space. Ultimate encourages active play, creativity, and a love for being physically active. While coaching, I have observed that Ultimate allows a child’s energy to be channelised in a healthy environment through a sport that is no-contact, and thrives on bringing people together.

Ultimate Frisbee, Children and Safety

It’s important for us to ensure that when children play Ultimate Frisbee, they do so safely, by providing proper supervision, age-appropriate equipment, and a supportive playing environment. Additionally, introducing children to age-appropriate skills and gradually progressing their involvement in the sport can help them develop their abilities and a passion for Ultimate Frisbee.

We encourage parents to introduce their children to Ultimate Frisbee, but of course, to not force – there has to be fair-play there too!

But yes, we are here to guide them to participate in the sport, and ensure that they have access to appropriate coaching, one-on-ones with their coach, and opportunities for growth and development.

Needless to say, if you would like to know more about the coaching we offer, you can get in touch with me, Samarth on 9819065579, or email us on info@schoolofultimate.com.

You can also check out our FAQ page on coaching.


Just to share, we here at School of Ultimate wish to help contribute and grow the Ultimate game, by sharing the principles, rules and coaching it in our practical sessions in Mumbai.

To know more about learnings and developing the skills of Ultimate Frisbee, check out our About Us page or Our Classes page.

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